Sunday, February 17, 2008

The First sMacThought

I thought I'd never blog. Never. It was up there with never joining or looking at this, what's it called - - MySpace, yes that's it, and with never owning a cell phone. But here I am. Setting up a Blog. With my own two hands. No gun to my head. Totally alone, and safe, and of sound mind. I have no excuse, nor any real reason but curiosity. I might never use this thing. I might never show anyone. Or it might turn into a really nice place for me to work out my thoughts and ideas for my photography or other artistic creations (I can be found on Flickr as sMacshot, or on Etsy as sMacshop. Are you seeing a trend here?)

Many years ago after receiving the gift of my first computer and discovering the world of digital art, I had a sort of epiphany. I imagined so many different directions for all the possibilities that this type of new creative media (mixed with the standard types of media) might allow. It was a concept which branched out again and again and again like an old large tree of enormous girth stretched out to the merest of tendril-like wisps. I haven't followed every branch. I've started down a few, but am miles from the end of even just one of them. Maybe I can keep track of some of these branches, and what they say to me here, in this blog. One thing I did know, way back then, and it's not changed since is that the tree is called sMacVision, and it is my vision and my translation of that vision through artistic or creative means.


KMCdesigns said...

Well done for having a blog! It was a big step for me too! Mine is only a few days old and it's already having a lot of hits :)
I'm sure our blogs will do good things for our shop! (I hope so anyway!)

sMacThoughts said...

Thanks for visiting, KMC!

Lord Dexter's Minion said...

Hey! Alright! I guess never say never as it were. Keep up the good work. All of your blogs are very interesting. Cheers!

sMacThoughts said...

Ohh, Jiffy, thank you for coming! :)